Who is April Smith 

I am a Christian, a wife, and a mother to 10 children.
I homeschooled for 7 years. My children attended private school, public school and currently attend a public charter school and a public middle and high school. I have 3 graduates, 2 high schoolers, and 1 middle schooler, 3 elementary schoolers, and 1 non-school-aged child.

I am a long-term stakeholder in education in the borough.

I am a dedicated member of the borough who is passionate about creating and maintaining a safe and thriving place to raise our families and grow our future.

I have served the last 3 years as a school board member. During this time I have attended numerous professional board development sessions and learned that our board needed a LOT of help, more than I could have imagined. As a member of the board, I have kept the focus on following policy and statute and put an increased focus on making sure our policies reflect community values. 

Over the last 3 years, despite conservative members being a minority, I am proud to say that no radical policies have passed. We have worked to hire a moderate superintendent who will not radicalize our community. With the help of fellow conservative board members, we were even able to adopt a new Health/Sex Ed book that has no mention of abortion and does not include radical gender ideology. This win can not be understated, it is major!

I would like to remain on the board of education to continue to work on aligning policies with the moderate values of the entire Fairbanks community. I will continue to lobby for funding, safe work environments, and excellent educational opportunities for ALL students.

What are the Issues I want to Influence?

Family Values 

I want to be a voice for family values and real, traditional, education on the school board.

Be a Voice 

I want to help the voice of the silent majority be heard.

Fiscal Responsibility 

Education is a community value. I will continue to lobby for education funding while being a watchdog to make sure public funds are used appropriately.